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Image by Aditya Saxena

Everything you seek, is seeking you.

Toltec Aphorism

Who We Are

At Sovereign Merrai, we firmly believe in the transformative power of self awareness and authentic purpose. Our mission is to empower individuals and organizations to reach their full potential through freedom practices, ancient wisdom and inspired action.

Image by Evie S.


What if you could finally be living your dreams with grace and ease? Learn the tools and ancient wisdom to step into your most powerful, purposeful, sovereign life. Whether you’re navigating your career, building meaningful relationships, or embarking on a journey of personal growth, Sovereign Woman© provides the essential skills you need to thrive.

Image by Hush Naidoo Jade Photography


At Sovereign Merrai, we’ve actively partnered with dynamic companies, shaping culture,  communications, and executive strategy. Our approach combines ancient wisdom with modern creativity, allowing us to translate our client’s visions and goals into value and growth. We take immense pride in helping organizations align their dreams with powerful results.

[The Sovereign Woman Program] helps get to the root of your problems and guides you through letting go of your old stories. She is an advocate for women and lifts women up to a more empowering space.


Become Book Cover
5 Star Award

Reader's Favorite 5 Star Winner

“Become:” A Literary Adventure by Lisa Merrai

Lisa Merrai’s creative journey began in childhood when she dabbled in puppy-love poetry and penned newspaper scoops. Over the years, her passion for storytelling evolved, culminating in her debut novel, “Become.”


This fast-paced coming-of-age adventure takes readers on a thrilling ride, unraveling the truth about freedom, power, and self-discovery. Literary agents and fellow writers alike have hailed Lisa’s work as “gripping,” “fresh,” and undeniably engaging.


You can find “Become” on Amazon, BookBaby, and Barnes & Noble.


“It’s big and fun and gosh—I love the mythos in here. It’s gorgeous...It’s grand, heroic and really awesome...Adventurous, exciting, super amazing scenes and with some really cool twists and world building...Freyja’s story is fantastic and just so lovely…about how we are all connected, about the dark threads that keep us from achieving our potential.”

“You have created a massive, beautiful, interesting world with complex characters. It’s really fun! You create such an intense and action-filled world that as a reader? Well, I feel like I’m in safe and deft hands. I trust you as a writer and I would keep reading every page. You made me snort-laugh. You made me worry. You made me cheer a friendship and snarl at a bad girl moment. You are a talent.”

Carrie Jones, NYT Best Selling Author "Need" Series


Maria Victoria Beltrane

Lisa Merrai’s Become is an enthralling young adult fantasy novel filled with extraordinary adventures. The author has created a world order that is as chilling as it is believable. Freyja Wolfe is a compelling character thrust into an unknown world filled with dangerous men, otherworldly characters, and magic. The build-up of the suspense is just right as we slowly discover with Freyja the mystery of her parents' disappearance and her real identity. This is one of those books that you won’t want to stop reading until you know how it ends. Highly recommended!

K.C. Finn

Lisa Merrai dazzles with this superb opening novel that is quite unlike anything I’ve read in urban YA for quite some time. I loved the variety and originality of the characters in this utterly charming novel, and the interesting twists on their supernatural and otherworldly states made for a fresh look that turns a lot of old fantasy stereotypes on their heads. Another aspect that I also really enjoyed was the dialogue, particularly between Freyja and Nash. It was so warm and realistic for their age, which I think YA readers will instantly be able to relate to. I would not hesitate to recommend Freyja Wolfe to readers who adore fast-paced adventure novels, thrilling plots filled with quests and secrets, and highly lovable characters who will earn a place in your heart forever.

Heather Stockard

Lisa Merrai’s debut novel and the first in her new urban fantasy series, Become: Freyja Wolfe (1) is part psychological thriller and part fantasy. Merrai’s vivid and beautiful descriptions bring the characters and their experiences to life. The plot is suspenseful and engaging, drawing readers in and sweeping them up into a strange and otherworldly adventure that will keep them guessing until the dramatic end. This book will leave readers eager to devour the next installment in this fascinating series.

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